Geneva Peace Week meets New York first successful edition

Geneva Peace Week meets New York first successful edition

The Geneva Peacebuilding Platform partnered with the International Peace Institute (IPI) and the support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) to organize the first edition of Geneva Peace Week meets New York, held on 28-29 November 2023.

During a 1.5-day event in New York held at the International Peace Institute from 28 to 29 November 2023, peacebuilders from Geneva, New York, and from the field engaged in discussions on current and emerging challenges to building sustainable peace. Geneva Peace Week Meets New York provided an opportunity for the broader community of peacebuilders to discuss and expand the proposals for a New Agenda for Peace (NA4P) and generate ideas for its effective implementation.

The event drew on the deliberations and findings of the 10th anniversary of Geneva Peace Week that was held earlier in the month in Geneva (30 October-3 November 2023) and the ministerial meeting on the Summit of the Future held during High-Level Week in September in New York.

The sessions addressed the workstreams of the policy brief on the NA4P, on which Geneva has specific expertise i.e.

  1. Prevention at the global level: addressing strategic risks and geopolitical divisions;
  2. Preventing conflicts and violence, and sustaining peace; 
  3.  New approaches to peace and potential domains of conflict.

With more than 100 persons on-site per session and over 300 online attendees, this first edition was a success and ads to our special activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Geneva Pace Week.

High-Level Opening Plenary: Building Trust for a New Agenda For Peace

Kicking off the event, the High-Level Opening Plenary sets the tone with a focus on "Building Trust for a New Agenda For Peace."  The panelists delved into the imperative of trust-building in the context of peacebuilding, as U.N. member states are preparing for the Summit of the Future, guided by a New Agenda for Peace. Watch the full video here.

© Copyright: Olivier Chamard

Panel Discussion 1: From Proposals to Commitments – The New Agenda for Peace and the Summit of the Future

This panel reflected on the New Agenda for Peace and updates on preparations for the Summit of the Future. Speakers shared reflections on topics of particular relevance for prevention and peacebuilding in turbulent times, on which Geneva-based organizations can share firsthand experience. Watch the video here.

© Copyright: Olivier Chamard

Panel Discussion 2: Harnessing Technologies to Build a Better Future

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, this panel discussed the role of technology in shaping a more resilient and equitable future. The panelists delved into approaches and strategic use of technologies for the advancement of peace and the challenges we face in the upcoming years. Watch the video here. 

© Copyright: Olivier Chamard

Panel Discussion 3: Addressing Climate Change through Just Transitions

As climate change emerges as a critical global challenge, this panel navigates the complex terrain of climate action through the lens of 'Just Transitions.' Examining the intersection of climate change and peacebuilding, the session seeks to identify sustainable pathways for addressing environmental risks while ensuring social justice and inclusivity. Watch the video here. 

© Copyright: Olivier Chamard

Panel Discussion 4: Promoting Human Rights and Inclusive Societies

Shifting the focus towards the promotion of human rights and inclusive societies, this panel discussion underscores the foundational elements essential for sustainable peace. Experts will explore strategies for advancing human rights agendas and fostering inclusivity as cornerstones in the pursuit of lasting peace. Watch full video here.

© Copyright: Olivier Chamard

Panel Discussion 5: AI for Peace – Harnessing the Complementarities between New York and Geneva 

In an era marked by the rise of artificial intelligence, this panel probes the synergies between New York and Geneva in leveraging AI for peace. Titled "AI for Peace," the session delves into the complementarities between these two hubs, exploring how advancements in AI can be harnessed for conflict prevention, resolution, and the broader cause of global peace. Watch full video here

© Copyright: Olivier Chamard
© Copyright: Olivier Chamard

The purpose of and tools enshrined in the UN Charter outlawing resort to armed force between States in order to safeguard mankind from a hell like World War II remain as relevant as ever. Their office time was sadly not very different from ours: a global rise in nationalism, increased polarization on the world stage, economic crisis and warfare. Even if they lived in a completely different world, there were some challenges which sounded very similar to ours today

H.E. Pascale Baeriswyl, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN, Swiss FDFA
© Copyright: Olivier Chamard
Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Foundation