This report accounts for the activities, outputs and finances of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform in the year 2011. Overall, 2011 was a transition year in which the Platform closed its formative phase (2008-2010) and started a new programme of action for the years 2012-2014. To make this transition possible the Platform’s Steering Committee Members enacted a series of administrative changes and reaffirmed their support for the Platform through a revised Memorandum of Understanding signed on 5 October 2011. The transition was based on consultations between the Members of the Platform’s Steering and Management Committees, the Advisory Board, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).
The main activities of the Platform in 2011 included:
The Platform was able to exceed expectations, fundraising 36.2 per cent above the budget set out at the beginning of 2011. Total 2011 funding amounted to CHF 194,927.92, including core funds of CHF 125,000 and project funds of CHF 69,927.92. Core funders include FDFA (Political Division III – DPIII), the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and Interpeace; project funding was received from FDFA PDIV and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Total expenditure consisted of CHF 189,602.77. In comparison to 2010, the Platform increased its funding in 2011 by 51 per cent. The overall closing balance of 2011 is CHF 59,754.15. An integrated overview of income and expenditures is provided in the Annex. The financial report has been reviewed and approved by the Accounting Department of Interpeace. The Geneva Peacebuilding Platform thanks all funders and supporters for their continued support.