Despite the multiplication of multi-million dollar peacebuilding programs, Central Africa is still in turmoil. In 2013, the Central African Republic (CAR) completely collapsed and is currently experiencing the most dramatic crisis in its history. The United Nations (UN) sponsored peace process in the Great Lakes has stalled and political tensions are on the rise in Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Foreign peacebuilding assistance has not delivered its promises as there is no genuine consensus between international actors and post-conflict rulers whose main goal is to stay in power and perpetuate their post-conflict authoritarian rule. Despite signing peace agreements, there is little political will from ruling elites to genuinely carry out the long-term reforms defined within them. As a result, many peacebuilding programs lack coherence, coordination and political will and are, therefore, blocked. Moreover, peacebuilding ‘fatigue’ pushes international actors to slowly disengage from these policies that instead require long-term financial and political support.

Whitepaper Series N°3: Central Africa by Thierry Vircoulon, Charlotte Arnaud, and Violette Tournier

Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Foundation