High-Level Roundtable Explores Collective Security and Conflict Prevention

High-Level Roundtable Explores Collective Security and Conflict Prevention

On 5th February 2024, the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, in collaboration with key partners such as the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations, and the Stimson Center, hosted a High-Level Roundtable at the Maison de la Paix, in the GCSP offices, underlining the urgency and significance of addressing Collective Security and the Universality of Conflict Prevention.

The roundtable attracted a diverse cross-regional group of Permanent Representatives, senior officials from Permanent Missions, and leading think tanks. The event's aim was to evaluate the current state of Collective Security and the Universality of Conflict Prevention, with a focus on the role of Geneva-based actors following the Summit of the Future in September 2023.

Amb. Thomas Greminger, Director of the GCSP, set the stage with opening remarks, emphasizing the critical nature of the discussions followed by Amb. Jürg Lauber, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN, who provided insights into the national perspective on preventing violent conflict. The agenda delved into the ongoing negotiations for a Pact for the Future, examining its potential to advance key recommendations from the New Agenda for Peace.

Key speakers, including Amb. Gustavo Gallón from the Colombian Permanent Missions, Dr. Richard Ponzio and Ms. Nudhara Yusuf from the Stimson Center, and Amb. Nathalie Chuard and Ms. Francesca Marotta from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), provided valuable perspectives on prevention strategies, financing, and the collective security architecture.

The roundtable concluded with a moderated dialogue, expertly co-moderated by our Executive Director, Dr. Annyssa Bellal and Ms. Florence Foster, Representative for Peace and Disarmament at QUNO involving Prof. Keith Krause, Director of its Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP)), as a discussant. The Chatham House Rule applied throughout the event, fostering open and candid discussions. A succinct roundtable summary report, capturing identified challenges, key insights, and chief recommendations, will be prepared collaboratively by the GPP, GCSP and Stimson Center. This event offers a renewed momentum for Geneva-based stakeholders. 

Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Foundation