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Our 2023 Activity Report is out!

Our 2023 Activity Report is out!

The Geneva Peacebuilding Platform is proud to release its 2023 Activity Report.

Among the highlights of the past year was the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Geneva Peace Week, a seminal event that brought together over 5500 participants and hosted 61 thought-provoking events. This milestone celebration underscored the platform's commitment to dialogue, collaboration, and innovation in the pursuit of sustainable peace.


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The GPW23 Report is out!

The GPW23 Report is out!

With a staggering total of 61 events ranging from ceremonies to high-level panels, policy briefings, workshops, art exhibitions, and social gatherings, Geneva Peace Week 2023 was a testament to the power of collaboration and dialogue. A remarkable 167 partners, comprising 149 organizers and 18 institutional partners, joined forces to make this forum a resounding success. With 221 experts contributing their insights, the week-long event attracted an impressive 5,500 attendees, representing 155 countries.

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Annika Erickson Pearson Drives Collaboration and Innovation in Nairobi

Annika Erickson Pearson Drives Collaboration and Innovation in Nairobi

Geneva Peacebuilding Platform's Community Management Lead, Annika Erickson Pearson, recently made a significant impact during her visit to Nairobi where she represented the organization in a series of engaging activities. Annika's mission included meetings with several ECCP members based in Kenya and neighboring countries, fostering collaboration and dialogue among peacebuilding enthusiasts in the region. 

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High-Level Roundtable Explores Collective Security and Conflict Prevention

High-Level Roundtable Explores Collective Security and Conflict Prevention

On 5th February 2024, the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, in collaboration with key partners such as the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations, and the Stimson Center, hosted a High-Level Roundtable at the Maison de la Paix, in the GCSP offices, underlining the urgency and significance of addressing Collective Security and the Universality of Conflict Prevention.

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Informal Geneva Civil Society Breakfast Briefing on the Summit of the Future and related UN-Civil Society Conference in Nairobi the Pact for the Future?

Informal Geneva Civil Society Breakfast Briefing on the Summit of the Future and related UN-Civil Society Conference in Nairobi the Pact for the Future?

18 January, the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform collaborated with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the Stimson Center, and the UN University Centre for Policy Research for the Informal Geneva Civil Society Briefing on the #SummitoftheFuture and UN-Civil Society Conference in Nairobi.

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Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Foundation