The year 2018 marked the 10th Anniversary of the Platform which provided the backdrop for reflections about how the Platform has established itself as a knowledge hub, convenor, and incubator in the broader peacebuilding field. Building on the achievements of previous years, the Platform’s key results in 2018 are:

  • The Platform consolidated two major initiatives – the Geneva Peace Week (GPW) and the Peace Talks Initiative. It also commissioned three scoping studies about how to grow efforts on urban diplomacy and GPW, as well as with respect to the Platform’s digital profile.
  • The Platform advanced cross-sector networking and new knowledge in the fields of urban safety and peacebuilding, trade for peace, and violence reduction and prevention.
  • The Platform further strengthened its collaborative way of working as a trademark of Platform activities. Geneva Peace Week 2018 demonstrated the impact of this approach. Over 120 partners leveraged at least CHF 700,000 for GPW including travel expenses of an estimated CHF 280,000 for 123 speakers from outside Switzerland.
  • Collective convening ensured an estimated 1,300 participants to GPW and 650 participants to the Geneva Peace Talks. Overall, the Platform convened 18 networking events in 2018 primarily targeted at the senior expert level.

In the spirit of shaping collective impact for peacebuilding, the Platform looks forward to renewed collaboration with all partners in 2019 and beyond.

Download the 2018 Activity Report

Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Foundation